A Reading List

  • Female-Dominated Societies | Women Only Worlds
  • Male-Dominated Societies| Feminist Dystopias
  • Feminist/ Egalitarian Utopias
  • Multi-World Comparisons | Feminine Magic Vs. Masculine Science
  • Andogynous or Sex-Changing Species and Individuals
  • Sex-Exchange
  • Anthologies



      As Imagined by Men

        Russ, Joanna. "Amor Vincit Foeminam: The Battle of the Sexes in SF." Science Fiction Studies 7 (1980): 2-15. Rpt. in To Write Like a Woman: Essays in Feminism and Science Fiction (Indiana UP, 1995)
    • 1965 Laumer, Keith. "War Against the Yukks"
    • 1969 Farmer, Philip Jose. Flesh
    • 1972 Cooper, Edmund. Gender Genocide
    • 1972 Moskowitz, Sam, ed. When Women Rule (anthology)
    • 1973 Berger, Thomas. Regiment of Women
    • 1984 Harrison, Harry. West of Eden (FDS in alien culture )
    • 1993Brin, David, Glory Season
    • As Imagined by Women (Exclusive of WOW's)

    • 1977 Warner, Sylvia Townsend. Kingdoms of Elfin (faery)
    • 1978 Bradley, Marion Zimmer. The Ruins of Isis (Atlantean )
    • 1978 Dodderidge, Esme. The New Gulliver
    • 1979 Carr, Jayge. Leviathan's Deep
    • 186 Sargent, Pamela. The Shore of Women
    • 1986 Slonczewski, Joan. A Door into Ocean
    • 1987 Hall, Sandi. Wingwomen of Hera
    • 1988 Tepper, Sheri. The Gate to Woman's Country
    • 1989 Salterberg, B. J. The Outlander: Captivity
    • Vonarburg, Elisabeth, In the Mother's Land
    • 1995 Hand, Elizaabeth, Waking the Moon


      As Imagined by Men

    • 1952 Wylie, Philip. The Disappearance (multi-world)
    • 1956 Wyndham, John. "Consider her Ways" [men die from plague]
    • 1977 Handley, Max, Meanwhile (multi-world)
    • As Imagined by Women

    • 1890 Lane, Mary E. Bradley. Mizora
    • 1915 Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. Herland
    • 1975 Russ, Joanna. The Female Man. (3 different worlds)
    • 1975 Tiptree, James. "Houston, Houston, Do You Read?"
    • 1978 Charnas, Suzy McGee. Motherlines
    • 1979 Gearheart, Sally Miller. The Wanderground [WOW and ESP]
    • 1993 Griffith, Nicola,Ammonite


    • 1937 Burdekin, Katherine (as Murray Constantine) Swastika Night
    • 1969/1974 Wittig, Monique. Les Guerilleres [ wm fight men/language]
    • 1970 Niven, Larry. Ringworld. [males only are sapient]
    • 1974 Charnas, Suzy McGee. Walk to the End of the World.
    • 1975 Russ, Joanna. The Female Man. (3 different worlds)
    • 1979 Fairbanks, Zoe Ann, Benefits
    • 1981/1988 Vonarburg, Elisabeth, The Silent City
    • 1985 Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid's Tale.
    • 1983 Elgin, Suzette H. Native Tongue.
    • 1985 ---. The Judas Rose. (Women linguists create their own language in a masculinist culture.)
    • 1988? Teppler, Sherri. Grass
    • 1989 Gom, Leona, The Y Chromosome
    • 1990 Teppler, Sherri. Raising the Stones.
    • Teppler, Sherri Gibbon's Decline and Fall
    • 1997 Starhawk, The Fifth Sacred Thing: Walking to Mercury


    • James Schmitz, The Witches of Karres
    • 1971 Bryant, Dorothy. The Kin of Atra Are Waiting for You v.t. The Comforter
    • 1971 Alexander, Thea Plym. 2150 A.D.
    • 1974 Le Guin, Ursula. The Dispossessed.
    • 1975 Callenbach, Ernst. Ecotopia. (West Coast secedes)
    • 1975 Delany, Samuel. Triton
    • 1975 Foster, M.A. The Warriors of Dawn
    • 1976 Piercy, Marge, Woman on the Edge of Time (multi-worlds)
    • 1977 Foster, M.A. The Game Players of Zan
    • 1979 Foster, M.A. The Day of the Klesh
    • 1979 Le Guin, Ursula. "The Eye of the Heron"
    • 1979 Varley, John. "Options"
    • 1980 Lynn, Elizabeth. The Northern Girl.
    • 1980 Sargent, Pamela. Watchstar (Arcadian)
    • 1981 Callenbach, Ernst. Ecotopia Emerging
    • 1982 Miesel, Sandra. Dreamrider (Shamanism and talking otters)
    • 1983 Gentle, Mary. Golden Witchbreed (children neuter)
    • 1988 Tepper, Sheri. The Gate to Woman's Country.

    • MULTI-WORLDS (Two or more worlds in comparison)

    • 1952 Wylie, Philip. The Disappearance
    • 1960 Farmer, Philip Jose. Flesh [FDS/NOSEX/MDS]
    • 1975 Russ, Joanna. The Female Man
    • 1976 Piercy, Marge, Woman on the Edge of Time
    • 1977 Handley, Max, Meanwhile
    • 1982 Hall, Sandi. The Godmothers
    • 1983 Godwin, Gail. A Mother and Two Daughters
    • Feminine Magic Vs. Masculine Science

    • Norton, Andre, The Witch World Series
    • Bradbury, Marion Zimmer, Darkover Series
    • Elgin, Suzette, Coyote Jones Series
    • McIntyre, Vonda, Dreamsnake


    • 1951 Heinlein, Robert, The Puppet Masters
    • 1960 Sturgeon, Theodore. Venus Plus X
    • 1969 Le Guin, Ursula. The Left Hand of Darkness
    • 1970 DeVet, Charles and Katherine MacLean. "Second Game "
    • 1974 Niven, Larry and Jerry Pournelle. The Mote in God's Eye
    • 1979 Varley, John. Titan
    • 1980 Varley, John. Wizard
    • 1987 Storm Constantine, The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit
    • 1988 Storm Constantine, The Bewitchments of Love and Hate
    • 1988 Storm Constantine, The Fulfillments of Fate and Desire

    • 1971 Bradely, Marion Zimmer. The World Wreckers
    • Marge Piercy, He, She, and It.
    • 1992 Thomas T. Thomas, Crygender

    • SEX-EXCHANGE (Men in Women's Bodies and Vice Versa)

    • 1966 Robert Sheckley, Mindswap
    • 1968 Hank Stein. Season of the Witch
    • 1970 Heinlein, Robert. I Will Fear No Evil
    • 1972 Carlson, William, "Dinner at Helen's" in Scortia (Palmbo says about reversible sex change. Allen and Helen are same person. Comp to Varley.)
    • 1980 John Varley. "Options"


    • 1972 Scortia, Thomas Strange Bedfelllows: Sex and Science Fiction
    • 1973 Joseph Elder, ed. Eros in Orbit (Trident)
    • 1974 Sargent, Pamel, ed. Women of Wonder (Vintage)
    • 1976 Susan Janice Anderson and Vonda McIntyre, eds. Aurora: Beyond Equality (Fawcett)
    • 1976 Sargent, Pamlea, ed. More Women of Wonder (Vintage)
    • 1977 ---. New Women of Wonder (Vintage)
    • 1978 Virginia Kidd, ed. Millineal Women (Dell)
    • 1990 Datlow, Ellen, ed. Alien Sex
