Academic Criticism on Tiptree

Academic Criticism on Tiptree


Pierce, Alexandra and Alisa Krasnostein eds.  Letters to Tiptree. Twelth Planet Press, 2015. Award-winning collection of appreciative letters from 40 SF writers and critics (mostly women), selections from correspondence with other writers (Russ and LeGuin), and a choice of academic pieces.

Peterson, Alayne.  “Riders of the New Wave: The Feminist Science Fiction of Le Guin, Russ, and Tiptree.”  210-44 In Womanhood in Anglophone Literary Culture: Nineteen and Twentieth Century Perspectives, ed. Robin Hammerman. Cambridge Scholars Publisher, 2007

Barr, Marleen S. Science Fictions Invisible Female Men: Joanna Russs When It Changed and James Tiptrees The Women Men Dont See Chapter 5 of her Lost In Space: Probing Feminist Science Fiction And Beyond. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1993.

Seal,-Julie-Luedtke. James Tiptree, Jr.: Fostering the Future, Not Condemning It. Extrapolation 31.1 (1990 Spring): 73-82.

Blum, Joanne. Return to the Myth in Fictions by LeGuin, Bryant, and Tiptree. In her TRANSCENDING GENDER: THE MALE/FEMALE DOUBLE IN WOMENS FICTION. Ann Arbor: U of Mich P, 1988: 61-76.

Baggesen, Soren. Utopia and Dystopia Pessimism: Le Guins The Word For World Is Forest and Tiptrees We Who Stole the Dream.’” Science Fiction Studies 14 (1987): 34-43.

Barr, Marleen S. The Females Do the Fathering! Reading Resisting, and James Tiptree, Jr.” Science Fiction Studies 13 (1986): 42-9. Rev. and rpt. In her Alien To Femininity: Speculative Fiction And Feminist Theory. 1987: 19.

LeGuin, Ursula.  Introduction to Star Songs of an Old Primate. (1978) Rpt. In The Language of the Night (1979): 169-74.

Aldiss, Brian. The Tiptree Syndrome.” Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction, 2010 Spring; 39 108): 7-9.
Clemente, Bill. “James Tiptree's Up the Walls of the World: Motes of Hope in Her Universe of Despair.” Extrapolation: A Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2007 Summer; 48 (2): 384-397.
Call, Lewis.  “’This Wondrous Death’: Erotic Power in the Science Fiction of James Tiptree, Jr.”  Science Fiction Studies 34.1 (March 2007): 59-86.

Kirkpatrick, Kim.  “Begin Again: James Tiptree, Jr.’s Opossum Tricks.”  Biography 301.1: (Winter 2007): 61-73. Biographical interpretation of short stories explores how Tiptree/Sheldon gets readers to question gender norms.

Phillips, Julie. James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice Sheldon.  New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2006.   Prize-winning biography.

Spek, Inez van der. Alien Plots: Female Subjectivity and the Divine in the Light of James Tiptree's 'A Momentary Taste of Being'. Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies, Vol. 20. Liverpool : Liverpool University Press. 2000

Phillips, Julie. "Mars Needs Women: The True Fiction of James Tiptree Jr." VLS September, 1996:18-20.

Boulter,-Amanda. Alice James Raccoona Tiptree Sheldon Jr.: Textual Personas in the Short Fiction of Alice Sheldon.Foundation:-The-Review-Of-Science-Fiction [London, England] 63 (1995 Spring): 5-31.

Wolmark, Jenny. Aliens And Others: Science Fiction, Feminism, And Postmodernism. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1994. See Chapter 4, Troubles in Womens Country, esp. pp. 86-7.

Steffen-Fluhr,-Nancy. The Case of the Haploid Heart: Psychological Patterns in the Science Fiction of Alice Sheldon ('James Tiptree, Jr'). Science-Fiction-Studies 17.2 (1990 July) : 188-220.

Hollinger,-Veronica. 'The Most Grisly Truth': Responses to the Human Condition in the Works of James Tiptree, Jr. Extrapolation 30.2 (1989 Summer): 117-132.

Lefanu, Sarah. Who is Tiptree? What is She? Chapter 11 of her Feminism And Science Fiction. Bloomington, Indiana UP, 1989: 105-29.

---. Love Was the Plan, the Plan Was . . .: A True Story about James Tiptree, Jr. Foundation:-The-Review-Of-Science-Fiction [London, England] 44 (1988-1989 Winter): 5-13.

Hayler,-Barbara-J. The Feminist Fiction of James Tiptree, Jr.: Women and Men as Aliens.”In Spectrum Of The Fantastic: Sel. Essays From Sixth Internat. Conf. On Fantastic In Arts, ed. Palumbo-Donald. Westport, CT : Greenwood, 1988: 127-132

  Siegel,-Mark. Double-Souled Man: Immortality and Transcendence in the Fiction of James Tiptree, Jr. 163-173 IN Yoke-Carl-B. (ed. & pref.); Hassler-Donald-M. (ed. pref. & introd.). Death And The Serpent: Immortality In Science Fiction And Fantasy. Westport, CT : Greenwood, 1985.

---. James Tiptree, Jr. Starmont Readers Guide 22. Mercer Island, WA: Starmont House, 1985.

Silverberg, Robert. Who is Tiptree, What is He?”Introduction to Warm Worlds And Otherwise. NY: Ballantine, 1975.

Dozois, Gardner R. The Fiction of James Tiptree, Jr. Borgo Pr , 1983.

Gearhart, Nancy and Jean Ross. Sheldon, Alice Hastings Bradley. Entry in Contemporary Authors 108. Detroit: Gale Research P, 1983: 43-50.

Platt, Charles. James Tiptree” in Dream Makers, Vol Ii: The Uncommon Men And Women Who Write Science Fiction. 1983: 257-72.

Frisch,-Adam-J. Toward New Sexual Identities: James Tiptree, Jr. 48-59 IN Staicar-Tom, (ed.). The Feminine Eye: Science Fiction And The Women Who Write It. New York : Ungar, 1982.

Heldreth,-Lillian-M. 'Love Is the Plan, the Plan Is Death': The Feminism and Fatalism of James Tiptree, Jr. Extrapolation 23.1 (1982 Spring): 22-30.

Wood,-Susan. James Tiptree, Jr. 531-541 IN Bleiler-Everett-Franklin (ed.). Science Fiction Writers: Critical Studies of the Major Authors from the Early Nineteenth Century to the Present Day. New York : Scribner's, 1982.

Pei,-Lowry. Poor Singletons: Definitions of Humanity in the Stories of James Tiptree, Jr.Science-Fiction-Studies 6 (1979): 271-80.

Smith, Jeff. The Short, Happy Life of James Tiptree, Jr.” Khatru, no. 7 (Feb. 1978): 163-73.

Pearson, Carol.  “Women’s Fantasies and Feminist Utopias.”  Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies 2.3 (Fal 1977): 50-61.  Rpt. As “Coming Home: Four Feminist Utopias and Patriarical Experience.” In Future Female, ed. Marleen Barr, 63-70.
