Russ: Primary Bibliography

Joanna Russ: Primary Bibliography
  •  Science Fiction
  • Non-Fiction 


  • Picnic on Paradise (1968)
  • And Chaos Died (1970)
  • Speculations on the Subjunctivity of Science Fiction (1973)
  • Somebody's Trying to Kill Me and I Think It's My Husband: The Modern Gothic (1973)
  • The Female Man (1975)
  • The Adventures of Alyx (1976) (ss collection, includes Picnic on Paradise)
  • We Who Are About To... (1977)
  • The Two of Them (1978)
  • On Strike Against God (1980) (novella)
  • The Zanzibar Cat (1983) (SS Collection)
  • How to Suppress Women's Writing (1983)
  • Extra(ordinary) People (1985) (SS Collection)
  • Magic Mommas, Trembling Sisters, Puritans and Perverts: Feminist Essays (1985)
  • The Hidden Side of the Moon (1987)
  • To Write Like a Woman (1995)
  • What Are We Fighting For?: Sex, Race, Class, and the Future of Feminism (1997)
  • The Country You Have Never Seen: Essays and Reviews (2007)
