MZB: Crit


Stephensen-Payne, Phil.  Marion Zimmer Bradley: Mistress of Magic [Bibliographies for the Avid Reader]
Galactic Central Publications (March 1991).

Arbur, Rosemarie.  Leigh Brackett, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Anne McCaffrey: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography.  Boston: G.K. Hall & Co, 1982.

Jones, Libby Falk.(1990)  “Gilman, Bradley, Piercy, and the Evolving Rhetoric of Feminist Utopias.” pp. 116-129 IN: Jones, Libby Falk (ed.); Goodwin, Sarah Webster (ed.); Pfaelzer, Jean (response); Elshtain, Jean Bethke (response) Feminism, Utopia, and Narrative. Knoxville: U of Tennessee P; 1990. 

Kaler, Anne K. (1987) “Bradley and the Beguines: Marion Zimmer Bradley's Debt to the Beguinal Societies in Her Use of Sisterhood in Her Darkover Novels.” pp. 70-90 IN: Browne, Pat (ed.) Heroines of Popular Culture. Bowling Green, OH: Popular; 1987.

Hornum, Barbara.(1985) “Wife/Mother, Sorceress/Keeper, Amazon/Renunciate: Status Ambivalence and Conflicting Roles on the Planet Darkover.” pp. 153-163 IN: Weedman, Jane B. (ed.) Women Worldwalkers: New Dimensions of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Lubbock: Texas Tech P; 1985.

Wood, Diane S. (1985) “Gender Roles in the Darkover Novels of Marion Zimmer Bradley.”pp. 237-246 IN: Weedman, Jane B. (ed.) Women Worldwalkers: New Dimensions of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Lubbock: Texas Tech P; 1985.
Arbur, Rosemarie. (1985) Marion Zimmer Bradley.  Mercer Island, WA: Starmont; 1985.

Schwartz, Susan M. “Marion Zimmer Bradley's Ethic of Freedom.” pp. 73-88 IN: Staicar, Tom (ed.) The Feminine Eye: Science Fiction and the Women Who Write It. New York: Ungar; 1982.

Murphy, Laura. “Marion Zimmer Bradley.” pp. 77-80 IN: Cowart, David (ed.); Wymer, Thomas L. (ed. and preface); Disch, Thomas M. (foreword) Twentieth-Century American Science Fiction Writers Part I: A-L. Detroit, MI: Gale; 1981.

Breen, Walter. The Darkover Concordance. Berkeley CA: Pennyfarthing Press, 1979. 
Very comprehensive alphabetical guide to all things Darkover prior to 1979. Illustrated with fan art.


Damarin, Suzanne. (2004) “Chapter Three: Required Reading: Feminist Sci-Fi and Post-Millennial Curriculum.”
Counterpoints, Vol. 158, Science Fiction Curriculum, Cyborg Teachers, & Youth Culture(s) (2004), pp. 51-73

Sue Fisher Vaughn. (1991) “The Female Hero in Science Fiction and Fantasy: "Carrier-Bag" to "No-Road" Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, Vol. 4, No. 4 (16), Special Issue on Female Heroes (1991), pp. 83-96.

Lynn F. Williams. (1987) “Everyone Belongs to Everyone Else: Marriage and the Family in Recent American Utopias 1965-1985.” Utopian Studies, No. 1 (1987), pp. 123-136. 

Russ, Joanna. (1981) “Recent Feminist Utopias.” 71-75 IN: Barr, Marleen S. (ed.) Future Females: A Critical Anthology. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State U Popular P; 1981.

Monk, Patricia. (1980) “Frankenstein's Daughters: The Problems of the Feminine Image in Science Fiction.” Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, Vol. 13, No. 3/4,Other Worlds: Fantasy and Science Fiction Since 1939 (SPRING/SUMMER 1980), pp. 15-27
